Ten Years After ~ 7 Jan 2015

Two days ago marked the ten-year anniversary of the discovery of Eris. How tidy that this planet - albeit dwarf planet - would show up in our consciousness on the day the Magi arrived (or so legend reports) bearing gifts.

The discovery of Eris did indeed bear gifts; just not gold, frankincense and myrrh. She brought:

The demotion of Pluto from planet to dwarf planet (according to astronomers).

The realization that other powerful, transformational objects exist in our solar system.

The opportunity to include the archetypal signatures that Eris and the other dwarf planets (Haumea, Makemake, Sedna, 225088 and potentially Orcus, Varuna, Quaoar and who knows what yet?) have to offer.

The upgrade of Ceres to dwarf planet and Vesta to protoplanet.

To this day, one decade after her discovery, the vast majority of astrologers neglect Eris and the other dwarf planets in their work. Given the mythic nature of Eris, this fact stands as even more astounding. Eris, the goddess of discord, reacted with the highest levels of discordance when she was snubbed, shunned, ignored or excluded. Perhaps this effect is heightened by those who include mythological structure in their work.

Entering our consciousness at the time that MySpace and Facebook began changing the way the world shares information (not the same as communication), Eris embedded her influence in the concept of “friending.” Also known as tracking, following, linking and many other monikers, the emotional reaction online participants often have to being included and excluded from the archives of those they may or may not know, is unprecedented. Instead of contributing positively to our consciousness, such inclusion activities bring out the worst of Eris - and certainly the mayhem caused by those upset with cyber-relationships bears out the down side of the dwarf planet.

Maybe some of the reason astrologers shun Eris is her disruptive/rebellious nature. The fact that her lunar companion is Dysnomia, the namesake of lawlessness, gives the strife-seeding planet another black eye.

Not to worry. There is a lot of good that can be gleaned from Eris. Currently, Jupiter, retrograde in Leo, trines the present position of Eris. With a review of things Erissian, perhaps some gains in consciousness can be accrued now, and fully integrated by the beginning of July, when Jupiter moves into another trine to Eris.

Jupiter and Eris have a particularly important relationship. Jupiter contracted with Eris to reverse the order of the heavens for one day such that collective perceptions could shift and a political wrong could be righted. Jupiter arranged for the judgment of Paris, such that the dispute over which goddess should hold the golden apple that Eris rolled to the feet of Athena, Aphrodite and Hera could be resolved... never mind the fact that the result of this was the Trojan Wars. Jupiter was smart enough to extricate himself from the crossfire by hiring the shepherd Paris to make the assignment.

Personally, we can glean benefit from Eris. The north node of Eris is 7 Taurus 47 and her perihelion is 6 Libra 56 (both degrees in heliocentric measure). Both of these orbital elements are Venus ruled. So, now would be a good time to examine how and why we need to fit in socially, in terms of relationship standards, in the manner in which we assess inner worth, and personal measure against economic norms. Determine your perfect fit in terms of what you need and want and how you value your skills and talents. Free yourself from the expectations of societal pressures and standards. In this, work to free yourself from any compulsive drive to achieve a specific level of status or success. Get where you want to be. When in the middle of your personal bell curve, groove with it. There you are in the finest of flow.

Examine your relationship with social media and/or interactive events such as online shopping, bidding, contest entering and gaming. Save time in your life to cultivate relationship and prepare for productive, creative pursuit of those things that benefit your profession and sense of destiny.

Examine your participation in clubs, fraternities, sororities, unions, country clubs and the like. Stay with only those that fit your professional and purpose-oriented objectives.

Rebudget to determine your perfect fit in a peaceful economic stratum of life. No sense being over committed, struggling to get that coveted black card, or fretting about something that adds discord to your life. Harmony is the name of the game.

Unless you were born prior to 1923, you have Eris in Aries, a sign in which she is relatively comfortable because of her desire to pal around with Ares (Aries), and the sign in which she is most likely to chill out, given she is most distant from the Sun in Aries. Eris in Aries is about finding the perfect fit of your spirit within your skin. It is about finding your perfect place in life, in society and in spirituality.

As well, with Saturn now in Sagittarius, and as he transits Sagittarius between now and October of 2017, Eris will trine the natal Eris of everyone born 1923 and after. It is time to make peace with your place in life. It is time to abandon feelings of exclusion. It is time to heal reactions of “not fitting in.” It is time to sanction the good of this powerful, transformation intending goddess. It’s been a decade. So, then years after, enjoy her attributes.

Invite Eris to the party.

Every now and again reverse the course you normally travel in daily life to revisit perspectives and offer a symbolic refresh.

Enjoy the ecstacy of lining up with your truest nature.

Celebrate Eris!

More soon.